Darlene, portrait artist, Canada

Listening to a recording of myself just one year ago... I can't believe how much my singing has changed. Low notes sound more relaxed, I feel more power and control singing high notes, I can sing softly with proper support, and my tone is more natural. I've only been taking lessons with May for 10 months, but she has completely transformed my voice! Very fortunate to be able to learn from her, considering we live on opposite sides of the globe. Our zoom lessons are very well coordinated and although she's hearing me through a microphone, she can make out even the most subtle change in my muscle movements, helping me quickly diagnose issues and steer me back on the right track. Her skillful teaching, positive energy, and informative lessons always leave me excited to continue learning and improving. Thank you SO much, May! :)

Singing Classes in Hong Kong
Learn to Sing with Confidence

Jacky Cheung, vocal & guitar@一般性

首先非常高興,慶幸能有緣份跟 May 學唱歌。在三年多的學習中,學到各樣的歌唱技巧,如發聲,運氣,音準等等...在遇到難關要衝破時,我得到很多意見去參考,實踐,獲益良多。而最開心的是得到 May 對我自己樂隊灌錄的CD的好評!非常感動!

Belle, 文字工作者

唱歌本應是件很開心的事,奈何技巧和心理質素都很影響發揮。很喜歡跟 May 老師學習唱歌的過程,感覺是要放下一切固有的習慣,先去重新認識和面對自己的聲線,再在技巧上加以琢磨。老師的評語往往一針見血,讓我進步了不少(雖然還有極大進步空間)。再次謝謝 May 老師讓我重拾歌唱的樂趣呢~ 現在去錄音也更懂得如何享受在其中了:)

Singing Classes in Hong Kong
Learn How to Sing in Hong Kong

Michelle, asset allocation portfolio specialist

I have been taking singing lessons from May for some years and I have enjoyed every lesson I had. Her lessons are fun, and I always come out feeling more positive and energetic than when I walked in. She's very professional, her skills, experience and knowledge both in singing and in giving lessons are strong and deep, so deep that I can never finish learning everything she has to teach. Listening back to how I used to sing before taking May's lessons, I realise how much improvement I have made, or to be precise, May has made. I no longer find it a trial and error exercise when it comes to singing because May has taught me how to use this instrument called "my body". Everyone has an instrument of themselves and learning about it is a wonderful experience, believe me!

Polly, business consultant

我從來都非常享受上 May 老師的 vocal lesson。May 十分認真,但她的教學方式十分生動,而且她極有經驗,我的唱歌技巧演繹及信心在她指點下有很明顯的進步。更重要的是我十分欣賞 May 老師的開朗性格,往往一週工作中堆積的悶氣在上課後就會自動消散。現時我已經搬了到上海居住,但每次回香港探親朋,我都希望抽時間去 May 那裡上一課。。。因為上阿 May 嘅堂實在太開心啦!!!

Lessons on Singing Techniques
Learn Singing Techniques

Winnie, banking

跟隨 May 老師學習唱歌已經有好幾年的時間。這些年來,除了歌唱技巧,我學習到很多很多。除了一般的樂理和拍子之外,老師會教導我找出屬於自己最美的聲線, 為自己唱和音、怎樣去想像畫面,讓自己唱出配合音樂抑揚頓挫的感情。不論我選擇什麼歌曲, 老師都可以用顯易理解的方法和解釋讓我知道怎樣才可以唱得更好, 並且可以鞭策我有所進步,讓我真的能達到她的要求。此外,能跟隨老師學習唱歌,過程十分開心,又可以減壓,還學習到如何放鬆自己及用正念去面對挑戰。所以,這麼多年來,我對學習唱歌的興趣不但沒有減退,反然越來越濃厚。

Yan, 歌唱導師

跟阿 May 學唱歌,真的好開心呢!可以在繁忙又緊張的生活節奏裡,有少少時間得以放鬆地去學習,實在難得!跟阿 May 上課已有多年,她在歌唱方面幫了我很多很多,而且令我在這方面建立了不少自信心。甚至有時遇到一些難題,她都非常樂意聆聽和給予意見,所以每次上課,就好像一個開心的節目... 多謝阿 May!

Singing Techniques in Hong Kong
Vocal Lessons in Hong Kong

Catherine, 退休教師

Miss 感謝你一直對我的指導和勉勵,從一個只懂哼兩句歌的無膽鬼,跟了 May 學唱歌不到三個月,卻能唱出整首歌來,還作出不同的嘗試,無論是廣東歌、普通話歌、英文歌、快歌、慢歌、搖滾的都能唱。從學習過程中得着自信,得着鼓勵,得着歡樂,家人也為我驕傲呢!全賴有你,衷心感謝!

Sabrina, student, 14 years old

May has been my vocal instructor for a year now and I have thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with her. In this short period of time, everything from singing with my chest tone to my voice projection has improved drastically. May knows how to intrigue students of different ages, I see little kids coming in after my lessons and adults taking lessons before me who all seem content with their singing experiences. What I enjoy most about my singing lessons is the sense of achievement I get from my singing recordings after every class.

Learn to Sing in Hong Kong
Singing Lessons in Hong Kong

Sara Lam, clinical psychologist

May has helped me identify and change many of my bad singing habits. Not only it haas helped me to produce a better tonality but also better vocal health in everyday working life (where talking is a frequent job). May has also helped me understand the anatomy of breathing and singing. She gave me a clear explanation of how the larynx, vocal chords and the glottis work together with the expansion of the rib-cage, the support from the diaphragm and the use of body space as resonator plus the flow of feelings in creating a vocal tone that is true to the self. Thank you May for helping me to find my voice back!